If You Need Pothole Patching, Don’t Put it Off [infographic]

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Where there is asphalt, there will eventually be potholes. Potholes are caused by the seepage of water into cracks in the asphalt and the expansion and contraction of that water due to temperature changes. The base of the asphalt weakens and then vehicles drive over the weakened spot, eventually leading to collapses and the breaking down of the asphalt into gravel, sand and stones.

If You Need Pothole Patching, Don’t Put it Off

The formation of potholes can be slowed by regular preventative asphalt maintenance like crack filling and asphalt sealing, but potholes are a common problem with asphalt. Though they are common, they should not be ignored and should be repaired in a timely manner. Potholes are never going to get better on their own. In fact, they will only get worse, leading to more expensive repairs and an increased area of asphalt failure and breakdown.

There are several reasons you should complete pothole patching right away:

  • Safety: People can get hurt if they trip in a pothole and vehicles can get damaged (especially low-riding vehicles).
  • Curb appeal: Potholes don’t send the right message about your business to potential customers.
  • Save money: It only gets more expensive to fix potholes the bigger they become.

If You Need Pothole Patching, Don’t Put it Off [infographic]

Pothole patching doesn’t usually take much time, but it can be hard to find a good time to do it, especially if you have a busy parking lot or private roadway. If you call a professional to complete your pothole patching, there is a good chance you can schedule it during a low-traffic time like during the evening, night or early morning.